Policies + Practices
For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes the consumer’s domain name and email address (where possible).
We collect the domain name and email address (where possible) of visitors to our web page, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, and information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.
The information we collect is used to improve the content of our web page, used to notify consumers about updates to our web site, shared with other reputable organizations to help them contact consumers for marketing purposes, and used by us to contact consumers for marketing purposes.
With respect to cookies: We use cookies to record session information, such as items that consumers add to their shopping cart.
If you do not wish to receive email from us in future, please let us know by sending us an email, calling us at 646.505.4444, or writing to us at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10023, Attention Membership.
If you supply us with your postal address online, you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by calling us at 646.505.4444, emailing us, or writing to us at the address above. You may receive mailings from other reputable companies. You can, however, have your name put on our do-not-share list by calling us at the number provided above, emailing us at the above address, or writing to us at the above address. Please provide us with your exact name, address and phone number.
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers online will only receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders they have placed online.
With respect to Ad Servers: We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, we suggest should check back at our website periodically.
Customers may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by calling us at the number provided above, emailing us at the above address, or writing us at the above address.
Upon request, we provide site visitors with access to all information (including proprietary information) that we maintain about them, unique identifier information (e.g., customer number or password) that we maintain about them, and contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number) that we maintain about them.
Upon request we offer visitors the ability to have inaccuracies corrected in contact information. Consumers can have this information corrected by sending us an email at the above address, calling us at the above telephone number, writing to us at the above address.
With respect to security: We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site, We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our site.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number, state or local consumer protection office, The Federal Trade Commission by phone at 202.FTC-HELP (202.382.4357) or electronically at http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/complaint.htm.
The Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression in any of our programs or activities. We are committed to providing an environment where all are welcome.
Dietary laws are observed at the JCC.
The Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan and/or its agents may record and/or photograph performances and classes for archival or other purposes. Such recording and/or photographing may include audience pictures or class participants. Your attendance and/or participation shall be deemed your consent to appear in such programs and/or photographs without compensation.
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan:
Requires all members to present their JCC photo ID badges to enter restricted spaces and facilities. Nonmember program participants must present a registration confirmation letter and a valid photo ID. For security reasons, no exceptions will be made. There is a $15 fee to process a replacement JCC photo ID badge. A $15 fee is charged for all caregiver JCC photo ID badges.
Does not permit bicycles, skateboards, in-line skates, radios, inappropriate clothing or behavior, or pets in its facilities.
Does not permit strollers beyond the front doors; we require strollers to be parked outside by the stanchions, at your own risk.
Is smoke-free.
Does not accept responsibility for children in the building unless they are enrolled in specific JCC programs for which adult accompaniment is not required. Staff supervision is available only at program locations during program class hours.
Reserves the right to exclude from membership and activities anyone it deems necessary. This includes, but is not limited to, anyone who fails to abide by the institution’s rules and practices.
Does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or validity of any analysis, advice, or recommendations provided by any speaker at a lecture, seminar, workshop, or any other related group. Reliance thereon is at the risk of the user.
The JCC is a Jewish organization, welcoming all people, regardless of religious affiliation and practice.
Onsite security is 24/7 at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan. Please be advised that everyone entering the JCC building must enter through the Amsterdam Avenue entrance. JCC members (24 months and older) and JCC staff must present a valid JCC ID badge. Nonmember program participants and visitors will be asked to provide a registration confirmation letter and photo ID. Every person entering the JCC building must submit to a search of all packages and bags. Those unable or unwilling to conform will not be permitted to enter the building. In order to provide a secure environment, no exceptions can or will be made.
There is a $15 fee to process a replacement JCC photo ID badge; this fee is also charged for caregiver photo ID badges.
By registering for and participating in any Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan program for either adults or children, participants and/or their guardians agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury associated with participation. In consideration of gaining membership or being allowed to participate in activities and programs of the JCC and to use its facilities and equipment, participants waive, release, and forever discharge the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan; all its officers, employees, representatives, and all others from any and all responsibilities or liability for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or use of equipment rising out of participation in any activities at the JCC. To view a complete membership liability waiver pertaining to fitness and pool activity, please email membership@mmjccmanhattan.org.
The Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan provides a forum for cultural programs and events that foster community and promote open dialogue consistent with the mission of the JCC. We do not necessarily endorse, nor can we answer for, every agenda or action presented.
The JCC strives to achieve the highest standards of ethics and integrity and does not tolerate immoral, unethical, or unlawful conduct. The JCC requires its directors, officers, and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics and integrity and to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in the conduct of their responsibilities on its behalf.
All directors, officers, and employees of the JCC are expected to report suspected violations of this policy in accordance with the procedures set forth below. The matters that should be reported under this policy include suspected fraud, embezzlement, accounting or financial record-keeping or reporting irregularities, bribery, kickbacks, misuse of the JCC’s assets, violations of legal requirements applicable to the operations of the JCC and its facilities, and violations of any adopted policy of the JCC.
The list of matters in the previous paragraph is intended to be illustrative and not exclusive. If any director, officer, or employee of the JCC suspects conduct or inaction that violates the standards set forth in the first paragraph of this policy, such violations should be reported under this policy. However, this policy is not intended to set forth procedures with respect to reporting violations of the JCC’s applicable human resources policies, problems with coworkers or supervisors, or with respect to labor law violations such as employment discrimination or sexual or other unlawful harassment. These matters should be handled in accordance with the JCC’s human resources policy in effect at that time.
This policy has been adopted by the Board of Directors of the JCC and will be periodically reviewed and appropriately updated as necessary. The Board has authorized the Executive Committee (the “Committee”) to administer this policy and to designate one of its members, an officer, employee, consultant, or advisor to the JCC, to act as the Administrator to provide administrative assistance to the Committee. The Committee may from time to time replace the then serving Administrator with a person who shall possess appropriate financial knowledge and sensitivity to principles of corporate governance and the confidential nature of these procedures, to be able to process and assist the Committee in evaluating submissions made under these procedures.
Submissions under these procedures shall be maintained in confidence and shall be disclosed or disseminated only on a need-to-know basis. While the Board encourages anyone making a submission under this policy to identify him or herself, submissions may be made anonymously. As discussed more fully at the end of this policy, any retaliation against any director, officer, employee, volunteer, or other person who in good faith makes a submission under these procedures will not be tolerated.
The JCC shall inform all employees, directors, and officers of the JCC and volunteers who provide substantial services to the JCC of this policy and the availability of these procedures. In particular, the employees shall be informed that all submissions under these procedures shall be kept confidential and may be made anonymously. The JCC shall post this policy on its website and shall also include a copy of this policy in JCC codes of conduct distributed to employees, employee manuals, or by any other means reasonably calculated to bring this policy to the attention to the JCC employees generally. The JCC shall also provide a copy of this policy to all directors, officers, and volunteers who provide substantial services to the JCC.
All submissions under this policy must be made in good faith based on reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of this policy has occurred or is about to occur.
With respect to all submissions not submitted on an anonymous basis, the Administrator shall send an acknowledgment of receipt to the person making the submission as soon as reasonably practicable.
The Administrator shall review each submission as soon as practicable following receipt and shall prepare a summary of each submission with any commentary that the Administrator considers useful or appropriate for consideration by the Committee in executive session. The summary shall be delivered to the Chairperson promptly.
The Administrator shall maintain a confidential log of all submissions. The log shall include the date of receipt; the identity of the person making the submission, or appropriate notation if the submission is made on an anonymous basis; where the full submission may be accessed; and a brief summary of the substance of the submission. The log shall be updated periodically to record any action taken with respect to each submission.
All submissions and related documentation, including documentation relating to any investigation conducted at the direction of the Committee under these procedures and its disposition, shall be retained in a secure file location in accordance with the JCC’s document retention policies, but in any event for not less than five years from the date of submission. Access to the file shall be limited as provided above.
Investigations and Actions in Response to Submissions
The full Committee (in executive session), alone or in consultation with any advisor to the Committee with whom the Chairperson or the Committee thinks it appropriate to confer, shall determine the action, if any, to be taken in response to each submission.
If the Committee (in executive session) believes that an investigation of any matter raised by a submission is appropriate, the Committee (in executive session) shall determine the appropriate persons to conduct the investigation, which may be the JCC’s outside counsel or independent auditor or another outside professional engaged for this purpose by the Committee. However, any submission that alleges accounting or financial record-keeping or reporting irregularities shall be referred to the Treasurer to conduct such investigation.
The Committee (in executive session) shall also determine the scope of the investigation to ensure that the investigation will be sufficiently broad to yield a comprehensive understanding of the facts and allow the Committee, the Board of Directors, and/or the JCC’s management to reach reasonable conclusions on an appropriate response.
The JCC’s executive director shall be promptly informed of all submissions with respect to which the Committee has determined to conduct an investigation, and shall be kept informed on a periodic basis of the progress of the investigation, unless the investigation relates to questionable practices attributable to such officer. The JCC’s Chief Financial Officer shall, if appropriate, likewise be promptly informed. The Chairperson shall in his or her discretion from time to time apprise the Board of Directors (in executive session) of submissions and the status of any investigations with respect thereto.
At the conclusion of any investigation, the Committee (in executive session) shall determine, and present to the Board of Directors (in executive session) and the executive director, the response that the Committee deems appropriate in the circumstances. The response may include remedial or disciplinary action, implementation of policies and procedures to prevent recurrence of improper or questionable practices, and/or referral of the matters involved to the JCC’s independent auditors or counselor to government officials.
The Committee (in executive session) shall monitor implementation of any response determined to be appropriate by the Committee under these procedures and shall take such action as the Committee determines is appropriate in the event that the JCC fails to implement the response to the satisfaction of the Committee.
No director, officer, or employee of the JCC and no volunteer or other person shall in any way suffer any intimidation, harassment, discrimination, or other retaliation or, in the case of an employee, any adverse employment consequence, by reason of having made a submission in good faith under these procedures, or for providing information, causing information to be provided or otherwise assisting in any investigation conducted in accordance with these procedures.
If the JCC becomes aware that any person has been discharged, terminated, demoted, suspended, threatened, intimidated, harassed, or otherwise discriminated or retaliated against by reason of having made a submission in good faith or assisting in any investigation under these procedures, the JCC’s management and/or Board of Directors shall take such action as is necessary or appropriate to annul or otherwise remedy to the extent practicable the improper action taken against such person and to assure that such improper action does not recur, including appropriate disciplinary action against any person engaging in such retaliation.
The notice required to be disseminated to employees of the JCC regarding this policy and procedures shall clearly set forth the foregoing policy against retaliation.
For film screenings, our auditorium is fully wheelchair accessible and we offer assistive listening devices and induction loops.
During the ReelAbilities Film Festival: New York we offer other forms of accessibility upon request. ReelAbilities strives to include all people. ReelAbilities presents all films with open captions, and all venues are wheelchair accessible. The Marlene Meyerson Manhattan JCC Manhattan offers CART at every event and Audio Description for every feature film screening and several short films. ASL interpretation and information in Braille are available upon request.
Please register early. Many programs have limited space, and other programs depend upon a certain enrollment number to ensure they will run. For these reasons, pre-registration is requested at least one week in advance of each program and will guarantee your place only when accompanied by payment. In order to receive the member discounts on programs, the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan requires that participants be active members at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the registered program(s). Note that the JCC reserves the right to make class reassignments based on skill level and such other factors as the JCC determines in its reasonable discretion.
MMJCCM operates on a credit-only policy and does not issue refunds. Credit can be redeemed for any program at the JCC, used by any family member on your account, and carries no expiration date. Any withdrawal or change in class incurs a $50 processing fee. Withdrawal after the second class – 50% credit may be applied. Transfers to another class the same semester are possible with class availability and the program director’s approval. Please note that Turning 2s, Camp, and Nursery School have separate policies regarding withdrawal and cancellation.
For Programs that Meet Fewer than 3 Times: Due to the costs and booking commitments associated with one- or two-shot programs, we regret that we cannot offer any JCC Credit for programs, classes, or events that meet fewer than three times per programming season. Additionally, the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan cannot be responsible for providing make-ups or issuing any credit for programs missed as a result of personal scheduling conflicts, illness, emergencies, or other circumstances beyond our control. If you are unable to attend a program in this category, we encourage you to consider your registration fee a form of support for the JCC, helping us to sustain wonderful programs.
For Programs that Meet 3+ Times: You may receive JCC Credit for withdrawal from a program when your cancellation request conforms to the timetable outlined below. There is a $15 processing fee for all transfers and cancellations.
Full JCC Credit will be granted for withdrawal from a JCC program when a written request is received at least one week before the date of the first class. 50% JCC Credit will be granted for withdrawal from a JCC program when a written request is received before the second class.
After the second class, JCC Credit cannot be granted. (However, you may transfer from one class to another of equal or lesser value if there is space availability and with the program director’s approval.)
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to: Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave., NY, NY 10023, Attn: Registration; or by fax to 646.505.4446. Please allow three to four weeks for processing of your cancellation request and be mindful of the timetable described above.
- All JCC programs and events are subject to change or cancellation. However, in the event that the JCC must cancel its own program, refunds will be issued.
- Certain JCC programs such as Ulpan and JCC Day Camp have cancellation policies that differ slightly. Please check the appropriate Program Guide section, website, or program application,or check with the program director for complete information.
- These program registration, cancellation, and refund policies do not apply to the Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School enrollment and/or tuition fees. For more information about the Nursery School policies, please contact Alex Reynolds, Nursery School Associate Director.
Limited scholarships are available for participation in programs. All requests are strictly confidential. Requests need to be submitted to the specific program director, so please contact JCC Registration at boxoffice@mmjccm.org and they will connect you with the appropriate program director.
To request a JCC membership financial aid application, please email memfinaid@mmjccm.org.
Members and the general public can purchase additional JCC guest passes directly at the 5th Floor Welcome Desk, by emailing or calling our Personal Services team at personalservice@mmjccm.org or 646.467.9239, or via our JCC app.
To download the JCC App, click here. Follow the sign up prompts. Once your account is created, tap the ‘buy’ icon on the bottom of the page. Here you will have the option to purchase a guest pass or other services.
Member guest passes are $25 for both children and adults. These passes provide access to the JCC Health Club facilities including the Fitness Center*, Pool, and Gymnasium for that day.
Public/non member passes are $35 for both children and adults. These passes provide access to the JCC Health Club facilities including the Fitness Center*, Pool, and Gymnasium for that day.
In order to use a guest pass to access a group exercise class, please email the JCC Personal Services team personalservice@mmjccm.org for assistance.
(*You must be age 14 and over to access the 4th Floor Fitness Center.)
Reciprocity from other JCCs
We are happy to welcome members of other JCCs! Simply bring proof that you are a member in good standing and you will receive 1 complimentary visit. You can purchase additional JCC daily guest passes for $25 directly at the 5th Floor Welcome Desk, by emailing or calling our Personal Services team at personalservice@mmjccm.org or 646.467.9239.
To ensure a seamless membership experience and avoid future fees, we encourage you to review your JCC online member dashboard and update your default payment method as needed. Effective April 1st, declined credit cards will incur a $20 processing fee.
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