Classes + Lectures


Explore. Learn. Engage.

Whether you're beginning to explore Judaism or want to deepen your knowledge, our classes and lectures offer a range of topics and perspectives on Jewish text, history, and liturgy. Discover new Jewish books and explore Jewish communities around the world with our gifted JCC faculty and visiting lecturers.

Upcoming Series

The Torah of Today
Join us, in partnership with Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, for a monthly series where we'll explore Jewish texts in the context of contemporary American life. All are welcome.
Jan 14 | Citizenship: What are my personal responsibilities?
Feb 11 | Community: How do we create a healthy society?
Mar 11Interconnection: How do we relate to other communities?
Apr 8 Work: What defines us as professionals?
May 13Stewardship: What do we owe to the earth?

Jewish learning clases are generously supported by the Marilyn G. and Joseph B. Schwartz Jewish Learning Endowment Fund. 

Help us continue to ensure accessible programming for everyone. Please support Jewish Life programming at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan.