Pool Rules + Etiquette + Code of Conduct
Interim Fall Pool Schedules (Aug 17–Sep 8)
Main Pool - Interim Summer Schedule
Training Pool - Interim Summer Schedule
Aqua Aerobic Drop-In Classes
Family Swim
- Please scan your JCC ID at the lifeguard check-in table.
- Follow lifeguards instructions and discretion at all times.
- Rinse off completely in one of our facility showers remove all bandages.
Thank you for making the JCC Pool a healthy place.
- Street shoes are not permitted on the pool deck.
- Wear a swim cap at all times while in the pool (shaved heads excepted).
- Persons with inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharges, and boils or other evident skin or bodily infections, including cuts, sores or abrasions, will be excluded from the pool.
- Pollution of the swimming pool is prohibited: no urinating, defecating, or expectorating from the mouth or nose.
- Appropriate swim attire is required.
To ensure the safety and comfort of all.
- Circle swim required at all times. Stay to the right and swim in a counterclockwise direction.
- Swim in a lane that accommodates your speed. Lane marker speeds are relative. Ask a lifeguard for assistance if necessary.
- Be prepared to change lanes if your stroke speed changes and/or when directed by a lifeguard.
- "Toe-tapping" is recommended as passing etiquette. To pass someone, lightly tap them on the foot, then pass at the wall.
- Allow faster swimmers to pass even without a toe-tap.
- All passing should occur at the wall. Passing in the middle of the lane is unsafe.
- Be aware of the gap behind you and the next swimmer. Use extreme caution when doing flip turns.
- Swimmers paused at the wall should stay to the far side of the lane, away from oncoming swimmers.
- Respect others' personal space.
- Water exercise and walking are permitted in the multi-purpose lane closest to the stairs. When this lane is unavailable, the slow lane on the far side of the pool may be used.
- Cell phone calls/tablet usage is not permitted in the pool
- Please return any equipment used during your swim.
Thank you for making the JCC Pool a safe place.
- In the event of lightning, everyone must immediately exit the pool area. The pool will reopen 20 minutes after the last flash of lightning.
No one is permitted on the pool deck or in the pool when a lifeguard is not on duty. - No food or drink is permitted on the pool deck, except water in a nonbreakable container.
- No running is allowed on the pool deck.
- No diving is allowed.
- No person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior will be allowed on the pool deck or in the pool.
- Keep gutter covers clear of equipment.
- Children under 12 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
- Depending on the child's swim level and the lifeguards' discretion, an adult may be required to be in the water.
Aquatics Code of Conduct
At the JCC we are committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment in which we take responsibility for each other and are mutually dedicated to the well-being of our community.
We foster an environment of safety and respect in which our staff, members, and our program participants feel safe and comfortable. In a desire to provide a safe, enjoyable and welcoming facility for all our patrons and staff, we expect everyone to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with their level of development and maturity with consideration for the rights and welfare of every individual within the JCC community. Additionally, language that is dismissive or disrespectful, such as the use of profanity or slurs, the use of inappropriate pronouns, or other language with the purpose of demeaning or marginalizing members of a group, is not tolerated. Such incidents tear at the fabric of our diverse, inclusive, tolerant, and caring community.
In addition, please note that feedback regarding JCC programs, instructors and facilities is always welcome through the proper designated channels of JCC aquatics management. However, the JCC is not at liberty to discuss certain matters pertaining to staffing and operations with members of the community in order to uphold the full extent of HR and employment policies. We ask that you refrain from seeking protected information about staff and trust that the JCC takes community feedback offered to our management team seriously, while ensuring every program runs safely and smoothly.
The JCC reserves the right to have an individual removed from the facility, and/or to suspend or revoke membership or program participation privileges to anyone who displays the above-mentioned inappropriate and harmful behavior toward staff, fellow members, or program participants. Thank you for your role in creating a values-driven and welcoming community for all.